Volume 25, Number 2
Contents - Volume 25, Number 2
Published November 2021
Volume 25, Number 2 (complete issue)
Contents page - Volume 25, Number 2
Research Update
“We were all heartbroken”: Emotional wellbeing and healing after the 2017/2018 Manaro Voui eruptions in Ambae, Vanuatu
Rachel Clissold, Karen E. McNamara, Ross Westoby, Elizabeth Raynes & Viviane Licht Obed
Keywords: Psychological health, disaster, environmental hazard, evacuation, healing
Disasters cause psychological harm and distress, yet assessments often overlook these impacts in favour of those more easily quantified and monetised. Few studies have, for example, explored psychological functioning of people during and after disasters in Vanuatu – globally the most at-risk nation to environmental hazards. This paper explores the emotional and psychological impact of the 2017/18 volcanic activity on Ambae Island, Vanuatu, and the subsequent evacuations. Drawing on interviews with eight Ambaeans, we explore experiences of loss and the associated feelings of fear, helplessness, distress, frustration, and anger. We also identify ongoing efforts by participants to cope and heal though return movements, reinstating a sense of normalcy, reviving cultural practices and community, environmental recovery, good leadership, and religion. Disaster preparedness, intervention, and recovery efforts must pay attention to local people’s narratives of loss and distress and find ways to support the factors which enable coping and healing of at-risk populations.
Practice Update
Emergency sanitation challenges and opportunities following a large Wellington Fault earthquake scenario: November 2019 workshop
Matt Brenin, Carol Stewart, David Johnston, Richard Mowll, Jacqui Horswell & Liam Wotherspoon
Keywords: Emergency sanitation, Wellington Fault earthquake, public health, emergency preparedness
The greater Wellington region of Aotearoa New Zealand is highly vulnerable to large earthquakes because it is crossed by active faults, both on and offshore. A future earthquake on the Wellington Fault is expected to cause extensive damage to water supply and wastewater networks, which is likely to result in prolonged service outages to households. Widespread landslides may also affect road access and isolate households; such impacts mean that residents may have to manage human waste disposal onsite as well as using stored emergency water supplies. Consequences of wastewater network damage for public and environmental health and habitability of homes remain largely unknown for Wellington City. This Practice Update presents findings from a workshop held in November 2019 that brought together researchers, practitioners, wastewater managers, and emergency managers to explore challenges and opportunities for emergency sanitation in the Wellington region following a Wellington Fault scenario earthquake. Key suggestions include using standard and unambiguous terminology, considering diversity inherent in the groups usually termed the community, and the use of the Sanitation Service Chain framework.

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